Unlock Your Potential with the Learning Yourself Workshop

Tickets Now Available!

It’s HERE!

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth?

If so, I'm thrilled to introduce you to the next workshop in our series!

Learning Yourself Workshop

Register Today

“Learning Yourself Workshop”

and Receive Access To Our Private Online Go-Getter Community…for FREE

Learn Vision-Building Strategies From The Best In The Game…

Jessica Holley Is Bringing it ALL To The Table

Proven Expertise in Change Management

Jessica has a reputation as a go-to consultant for change management strategy in various sectors, including corporate.

Innovative Problem-Solving Approach

Jessica's ability to find unconventional yet effective solutions to problems, has earned her the nickname “The Fixer”.

Experienced Personal Development Coach

Jessica coaches people through emotional self-improvement, especially relationship dynamics during personal growth.


Make 2024 The Year That EVERYTHING Changes!


Gain a deep understanding of your strengths, weaknesses, values, and motivations, empowering you to make more informed decisions and live authentically.

Personalized strategies:

Through the Flight Assessment 2.0 and personalized 20-page report, attendees will receive tailored insights and strategies to leverage your unique strengths and overcome challenges effectively.

Empowerment and confidence:

By uncovering your superpowers and learning how to leverage them, you will leave the workshop feeling empowered, confident, and ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way.


In a constantly changing landscape, the ability to adapt and thrive in new environments is crucial. The workshop will help you develop a deep understanding of your strengths, weaknesses, and values, enabling you to navigate change with confidence and resilience.

Goal setting and vision building:

In the Vision Building strategy session, you will learn how to use your superpowers to achieve your goals and identify the areas of limitation to clarify when to bring in help to accomplish your goals.

Resources & Application:

Gain additional insight into using the tools from this workshop and additional resources to create the perfect combination to crush your goals. Information APPLIED changes situations, we will walk through real life application of the workshop's content.

Connection and community:

The workshop provides a supportive environment where participants can connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and build a network of support to continue your personal growth journey beyond the workshop.

Workshop admission includes a 1-on-1 Vision Building strategy session. Take an individualized approach at mapping out your goals, aligning goals with your vision for the future, and get the steps for your actionable plans to achieve success.

Lessons are designed to equip you with the tools, insights, and support you need to unlock your full potential and live a more fulfilling, purpose-driven life.

Event Date: Tuesday, March 26 through Thursday, March 28

7pm-8:00pm EST

Register Today

“Learning Yourself Workshop”

and Receive Access To Our Private Online Go-Getter Community…for FREE


In 2024, the "Learn Yourself" workshop

will prepare you to thrive in a rapidly evolving world by equipping you with timeless skills

and insights that are essential for personal and professional success.

By gaining a deeper understanding of yourself and others, you'll be better equipped to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics and build meaningful relationships both in your personal and professional life.

By gaining a deeper understanding of yourself and others, you'll be better equipped to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics and build meaningful relationships both in your personal and professional life.

Setting clear goals and defining a compelling vision for your future is essential for success in any era. The workshop will provide you with practical tools and strategies to clarify your goals, define your vision, and create actionable plans to achieve them, ensuring that you stay focused and motivated in pursuing your aspirations. By uncovering your unique strengths and learning how to leverage them creatively, you'll be better positioned to generate innovative solutions and drive positive change in your organization and beyond.

Collaboration and community support are key drivers of success. You will be provided the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and build a network of support that will empower you to achieve your goals and aspirations.

Overall, the "Learn Yourself" workshop will prepare you to thrive in 2024 and beyond by helping you unlock your full potential, cultivate essential skills, and build a strong foundation for personal and professional success in an ever-changing world.


Jessica Holley

The Real Life “Olivia Pope”

Jessica, a dynamic and transformative figure in the realm of personal and professional development, has built a distinguished career since 2009 as a consultant across education, private, and government sectors. Known for her innovative approach to change management in the corporate world, Jessica has earned the nickname “The Fixer,” reminiscent of a real-life Olivia Pope, through her uncanny ability to find unconventional yet effective solutions to complex problems.

Jessica’s Journey

Led her to a deep passion for coaching individuals through the emotional challenges of self-improvement, particularly addressing the guilt and grief associated with “survivor’s remorse.”

Combining over a decade of experience, Jessica guides others in the pruning process of life, emphasizing the importance of aligning with people who share a common direction and vision. Her coaching extends to managing changing relationship dynamics due to personal growth, ensuring that her clients can navigate these transitions in a healthy manner while still achieving their goals. This all starts with a foundational step: establishing a written vision. Jessica leverages her personal experiences and professional background to empower goal-getters to thrive through growth and change.


Jessica Holley

The Real Life “Olivia Pope”

Jessica, a dynamic and transformative figure in the realm of personal and professional development, has built a distinguished career since 2009 as a consultant across education, private, and government sectors. Known for her innovative approach to change management in the corporate world, Jessica has earned the nickname “The Fixer,” reminiscent of a real-life Olivia Pope, through her uncanny ability to find unconventional yet effective solutions to complex problems.

Jessica’s Journey

Led her to a deep passion for coaching individuals through the emotional challenges of self-improvement, particularly addressing the guilt and grief associated with “survivor’s remorse.”

Combining over a decade of experience, Jessica guides others in the pruning process of life, emphasizing the importance of aligning with people who share a common direction and vision. Her coaching extends to managing changing relationship dynamics due to personal growth, ensuring that her clients can navigate these transitions in a healthy manner while still achieving their goals. This all starts with a foundational step: establishing a written vision. Jessica leverages her personal experiences and professional background to empower goal-getters to thrive through growth and change.


An immersive 3-day workshop designed to help you unlock your full potential, understand your unique strengths, and pave the way for your future success.

Whether you're seeking clarity in your career path, looking to enhance your relationships, or simply eager to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, this workshop is tailor-made for you.

Virtual Seat For A 5-Day Intensive Workshop

During this 5-day intensive workshop I’m going to help you gain complete clarity on your ideal life as well as develop a crystal clear, step by step plan to achieve your most precious goals for 2024. Through the process, we will learn the proper way to set goals and most importantly how to execute on them on a daily basis in a way that guarantees success. This is NOT going to be one of those workshops where the instructor is talking about fluff and having you set high goals just for the heck of it. Achievement is a science and I’m going to show you how to use the power of numbers and words to crush 2024!.

200+ Page Digital Journal

Guided thought questions for deep thinking- Get access to Jessica’s guide question series designed to spark creative introspection into your vision.

2-Year Calendar- Track your daily progress towards your goals using a built in calendar.

SMART Goal sheets- Learn how to set S.M.A.R.T. goals that are measurable and predictable so you increase your chances of success.

Goals breakdown sheets- Set audacious goals and break them down into weekly and daily steps that you can get started on today.

Budgeting Pages- Learn how to budget your finances for success using Jessica’s proprietary framework

Access To Workshop Replay Recordings

Once you begin building your vision and you find clarity, this often sets you on an exciting and creative journey where more visions start to come to you effortlessly! Instead of being stuck, your mind becomes unstuck and is set loose to dream and imagine a new world of possibilities and you may want to go back to our exercises to keep sharpening your new insights. That’s why we’ve made the replay recordings available to you. Also… four days is a long time and it’s going to be tough to retain everything the first time!

Access To Virtual Community Of Go-Getters

When you register today, you get access to a virtual community of go-getters who are all supporting each other’s efforts and community to crush their goals in 2024. This is important for accountability. Setting your goal is one thing but sticking with it is another. Research shows that before the end of the first quarter of each new year, most people have already forgotten about their resolutions. The key? Accountability and support from a like-minded community.

FREE BONUS #1- Vision Building Strategy

Session W/ Jessica Holley

FREE BONUS #1- Vision Building Strategy Session W/ Jessica Holley

When you register today you get access to a one on one strategy session with Jessica Holley where she is going to assess your goals and provide personalized advice for how you can supercharge your progress in 2024.

FREE BONUS #2- Preferred Rate On Upcoming Masterminds and Special Programs

Being part of the Write Your Vision Workshop gives you access to exclusive bonuses and preferred rates on upcoming masterminds and special programs designed to help you take the next steps in your vision creation process.

Event Date: Tuesday, March 26 Through Thursday, March 28

7pm-8:30pm EST

Register Today And Receive A Copy of

“Write The Vision Journal”

and Access To Our Private Online Go-Getter Community…for FREE

Secure Your Seat Today

You’re Only One Strategy Away From Crushing Your Goals in 2024…

Here's what your general admission ticket includes:

  • Admission to the 3-day workshop ($297 value)

  • The Flight Assessment 2.0: Gain insights into your strengths, preferences, and areas for growth ($149 value)

  • A personalized 20-page report: Deep dive into the details of your individualized assessment results ($49)

  • The "Leverage Your Superpower" workbook: Equip yourself with practical tools and exercises to leverage your strengths effectively ($29)

  • A 1-on-1 Vision Building strategy session: Work closely with a seasoned expert to chart your course for success ($297)

Total Value: $821

Your price today: $97

When you upgrade to VIP admission, you'll receive everything in the general admission package PLUS:

  • An additional guest pass to the workshop, allowing you to share this transformative experience with a friend, family member, or colleague. ($297 value)

  • 2nd Flight Assessment & personalized 20-page report for your +1 ($198 value)

  • Exclusive access to the live Q&A session each day immediately following the workshop, where you can interact with our expert facilitators and dive deeper into the workshop content. ($197)

Total Value: $1,513

Your price today: $197

Tickets are now on sale, but act fast

there are only a limited number of spaces available, and they're sure to fill up quickly!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to invest in yourself and unlock your full potential. Reserve your spot today and take the first step towards a brighter, more empowered future.

To purchase tickets and learn more about the workshop, simply visit www.everybodycantgo2.com.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us at info@everybodycantgo2.com.

Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment - we can't wait to see you at the Learning Yourself Workshop!

Warm regards,

Stephanie Jessica Holley

Extreme Execution Coach | Author | Speaker

Event Date: Tuesday, March 26 - Thursday, March 28 | 7pm-8:00pm EST

Register Today

“Learning Yourself Workshop”

and Receive Access To Our Private Online Go-Getter Community…for FREE

Are You Ready To Execute On Your Vision For 2024?

A message from Jessica Holley…

If you’re read this far then I know something about you. I know that you’re hungry for success and you’re determined to make 2024 the year your life changes forever.

You’ve tried the new years resolutions. You’ve battled against analysis paralysis. You’ve tried the vision boards and affirmations. And you’ve tried writing down your goals. But for some reason, nothing has gotten you the results you need. I understand how that feels because I’ve been there before – many times and I understand what it takes to achieve the breakthrough that you seek.

It’s not because I’m a “guru”. In fact, a few years ago I may have been worse at vision building than you. I’m just someone who got tired of starting and stopping so she figured it out.

The Write Your Vision Workshop is designed to give you a proven and practical way for clarifying your vision and step by step plan to get there. Join me for 5 days and I’m going to share with you the proven strategies that have personally worked for me. Together we’re going to help you crush your goals in 2024.

Tuesday, March 26 - Thursday, March 28 7pm-8:00pm EST

Register Today And Receive A Copy of

“Learning Yourself Workshop”

and Access To Our Private Online Go-Getter Community…for FREE

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in the 3-Day Learning Yourself Workshop?

I3 Days of intensive personal development sessions, "Learning Yourself Workshop" workbook, Flight Assessment 2.0, a personalized 20-page report, exclusive 1-on-1 session and more!

What unique benefits does this workshop offer?

This workshop provides insight on YOU further than you have ever experienced. Self awareness, your superpowers and limitations, as well as ways to make all of it work for you.

How does the workshop help with goal achievement?

It provides practical steps for setting and executing goals, going beyond vision boards and affirmations.

What are the dates and times for the workshop?

Tuesday, March 26 - Thursday, March 28 from 7pm-8:30pm EST

Are there any bonuses for registering?

Yes, including a free strategy session with Jessica Holley and preferred rates on future programs.

What is the refund policy?

There is no refund policy for this workshop.

Will there be a replay available?

Yes, participants will have access to replay recordings of the workshop for 90 days post workshop.

Where will the workshop be held?

It will be held virtually via Zoom, with a registration link provided to all participants.

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